Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Healthy Snack: Kale Chips

I love being healthy but like everyone I still like a cheat and to be honest most of my snacking occurs in the evening when I'm all cuddled on the sofa in my pyjamas. This is probably the easiest snack you could ever make and even better, its guilt free.
What you will need:
1 tbsp. olive oil
Seasoning of your choice. This can be anything from salt and pepper to chilli and garlic. On this occasion we used Seaweed infused sea salt flakes which my house mate got in her Flavourly box.
Pre heat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the Kale on a baking tray.
Cover the kale in your oil and seasoning and gently mix until the kale is evenly covered. I like to add the oil in stages to make sure I don’t add too much, you don’t want them soaked.
Pop the tray in the oven for about 10 minutes.
Remove the tray from the oven, put the chips in your prettiest heart shaped bowl and enjoy!

I absolutely love these because they are a great evening snack which is light yet still super tasty.

Will you be having a go at these? let me know what you think!


  1. Such a good idea Charlie, I'm the worst snacker! (currently sat munching on a box of grapes!)


    1. haha you could do a lot worse than grapes! I love grapes could eat a whole pack easily x

  2. I'm all about kale chips! Or any of the vegetable chips I've tried so far. My favourite combination has been with guacamole! Once I start eating there's no way I stop so at least this way we get in some veg! haha

    Deb | Debra Bros Blog

  3. I love these! I do them with chilli and garlic but the flavoured sea salt sounds lovely.

    Katie x and-katie.com


I love reading all of your comments and appreciate you finding the time to write them. Tweet me if you have any questions! @eatplayshopblog :) Xx

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